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ABEK1 filter in plastic housing for 3M half and full face masks. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boi ling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Dust filters 5911, 5925 and 5 935 can be mounted on gas filter if dust filter holder 501 is used. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.1%. Suitable for : processes involving chemical risks.
A2 filter in plastic housing for 3M half and full face masks. Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C . Dust filters 5911, 5925 and 5935 can be mounted on gas filter if dust filter holder 501 is used. Class 2 gas filter: for max. conc entration of 0.5%.
ABE1 filter protects against organic and inorganic gases and sulphur dioxide. Can be used in combination with the Adflo motor unit. If ABE1 filter is used in combination with Adflo dust filter, use of the heavy duty battery is recommended if 8 hours of operation o n a single battery is desired. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.1%.
ABE1 filter in plastic housing for 3M half and full face masks. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boil ing point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours. Dust filters 5911, 5925 and 5935 can be mounted on gas filter if dust f ilter holder 501 is used. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.1%.
ABEK1 gasfilter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.1%. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder.
ABEK2 gasfilter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and9000. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with aboiling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5%. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder.
ABEK2 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >6 5 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Only for use with full face masks with sta ndard threads. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5 %.
A2 filter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000. Protects against organic vapors and gases with boiling point >65 ° C. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder. Filter Class 2: up to max concentration of 0.5%.
ABEK1P3 plastic filter housing with EasyLock connection for series 7000 and 9000 of Moldex. Protects against organic and inorganic gases and vapors with boiling point<(>&<)>gt >65 °C, sulfur dioxide, acid gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives and toxic dust, mist and smoke particles. Filter Class 1: up to max concentration of 0.1%.
ABE2K1 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point > 65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. For use in combination with half and full face masks with standard threads. ABE filter of class 2: for max. concentration of 0.5 %. K filter of class 1: for max. concentrati on of 0.1%.
A1 filter in plastic housing for 3M half and full face masks. Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C . Dust filters 5911, 5925 and 5935 can be mounted on gas filter if dust filter holder 501 is used. Class 1 gas filter: for max. conc entration of 0.1%.
ABE1 gasfilter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000. Protects against organic and inorganic gases and vapors with boiling point >65°C and sulfur dioxide. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.1%. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder.
AB2 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C. Can be used in combination with half and full face masks with standard threads. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0. 5 %.
AX screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point under 65 °C, low boiling point substances of class 1 and 2. For use in combination with full face masks with standard threads. Filter for one-time use only. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5 %.
A1 filter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000. Protects against organic vapors and gases with boiling point >65 ° C. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder. Filter Class 1: up to max concentration of 0.1%.
AX gasfilter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000 forprotection against organic gasses with boiling point <65°C. For single usage. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder.
AB2E1 gasfilter in plastic housing for Moldex masks series 7000 and 9000for protection agains inorganic and organic gases and vapours with aboiling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours. Filters 9010, 9020 and 9030 can be mounted on gas filter without filter holder.
A2 filter protects against organic gases and vapours. Can be used in combination with the Adflo motor unit. If A2 filter is used in combination with Adflo dust filter, use of the heavy duty battery is recommended if 8 hours of operation on a single battery is desired. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5%.
A2 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C. Can be used in combination with half and full face masks with standard threads. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5 %. Suitable f or: processes involving chemical risks. Weight: 180g.
ABEK2 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Only for use with full face masks with standard threads. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5 %.
ABE2K1 screw-on filter DIN 148 in aluminium housing. Protects against inorganic and organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C, sulphur dioxide, acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. For use in combination with half and full face masks with standard threads. ABE filter of class 2: for max. concentration of 0.5 %. K filter of class 1: for max. concentration of 0.1%.
Protects against ammonia and organic ammonia vapours. For use in combination with a half or full face mask with standard threads. Class 2 gas filter for maximum concentraiton of 0,5%. Weight: 175gr.
Easy lock® Pre-assembled filters EN4387:2004 + A1:2008 Pre-assembled A2P3 R filter which uses Easy Lock® system to connect to face-piece with 1 click, without adapter. All Moldex products and packaging are 100% PVC-free.
Protects against sulphur dioxide, acidic gasses and vapours. For use in combination with a half or full face mask with standard threads. Class 2 gas filter for maximum concentraiton of 0,5%.
Gas filter ABE1 for use with motorunit SR500 / SR500 EX , protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point>+65°C, as well as against anorganic, acidic gasses, vapours and ammonium. Per motor unit there are 2 flters needed.
Gas filter A2 protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point>+65°C. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.
Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point under 65 °C, low boiling point substances of class 1 and 2. For use in combination with full face masks with standard threads. Filter for one-time use only.
K1 filter in plastic housing for 3M half and full face masks. Protects against ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives. Dust filters 5911, 5925 and 5935 can be mounted on gas filter if dust filter holder 501 is used. Class 1 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0 .1%.
Odour filter that removes unpleasant odours. Does not provide protection from gases or vapours, only improves comfort. If gas filter s are already being used, it is unnecessary to use an odour filter. Can be used in combination with the Adflo motor unit. Suitable f or: processes involving chemical risks.
Gas filter ABE2 protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point>+65°C, as well as against anorganic and acidic gasses and vapours. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.
Replacement filter for Adflo odour filter. Odour filter that removes unpleasant odours. Does not provide protection from gases or va pours, only improves comfort. If gas filters are already being used, it is unnecessary to use an odour filter. Can be used in combin ation with Adflo odour filter.
Gas filter A1 protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point>+65°C. Can be used in combination with the Sundström half and full face masks.
Gas filter ABE1 protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point>+65°C, as well as against anorganic and acidic gasses and vapours. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.
Gas filter AX protects against orgnaic gases and vapours such as solvents with a boiling point lower than +65°C. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.
Protects against organic and inorganic gases and vapours sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives.
Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point over 65 °C. For use in combination with full or half face masks with standard threads. . Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5 %.
A2 filter in plastic housing for 3M half face masks Secure Click. Protects against organic gases and vapours with a boiling point >65 °C. Dust filters series 7900 can be mounted on gas filter if dust filter holder D701 is used. Class 2 gas filter: for max. concentration of 0.5%.
Gas filter k1 protects against ammonia, and certain amines, such as ethylen diamine. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.
Gas filter k2 protects against ammonia, and certain amines, such as ethylen diamine. To use with half and full face Sundstrom masks.