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Fallline length 1.5 meters, diameter 10.5 mm. Kernmantel line, on one side a standard snap hook and on the other side scaffolding hook Maxitube.
Double lanyard, 1.5 metre length, consisting of kernmantle rope with integrated shock absorber. Double Lanyard to allow continuous protection, even when switching between two anchor points. Fitted with one standard carabiner and two snap hooks with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Fallline length 1.5 meters, diameter 10.5 mm. Kernmantel line, on both sides a standard carabiner hook.
Lanyard, 2 metre length, consisting of elastic strap with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with one standard carabiner and one with big opening. Maximum user weight: 140kg
Double Lanyard, 1.8 metre length, consisting of elastic strap with integrated shock absorber. Non-stretched length of the Lanyard is 1.2 metres, which enables better manipulation of the Lanyard. Double Lanyard to allow continuous protection, even when switching be tween two anchor points. Fitted with a standard carabiner and two snap hooks with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Lanyard, 2 metre length, consisting of kernmantle rope of 11mm with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with one standard carabiner and a snap hook with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Double Lanyard, 1.5 metre length, consisting of webbing strap with integrated shock absorber. Double Lanyard to allow continuous pro tection, even when switching between two anchor points. Fitted with a standard carabiner and two snap hooks with a 65 mm gate openin g. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Double lanyard length 1,5 meters. Elasticated line, on one side a standard snap hook and on the other side scaffolding hook Maxitube.
Lanyard, 2 metre length, consisting of webbing strap with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with a standard carabiner and a snap hoo k with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Safety line, 2 metre length made of kernmantle rope, with integrated shock absorber and scaffolding hook. Safety line tested according to sharp side test and thus extremely reliable for use near sharp edges. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Double safety line, 1.5 metre length, consisting of kernmantle rope with integrated shock absorber. Safety line tested according to sharp side test and thus extremely reliable for use near sharp edges. Double safety line to allow continuous protection, even when switching between two anchor points. Fitted with one standard carabiner and two snap hooks with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Safety line, 1.5 metre length, consisting of kernmantle rope with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with standard carabiner and 1 ca rabiner hook with a 65 mm gate opening. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Lanyard, 1.5 metre length, consisting of webbing strap with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with two standard carabiners. Serves a s connection between anchor point and harness.
Lanyard, 1,5 metre length, consisting of elastic strap with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with one standard carabiner and one with big opening. Max user weight: 140kg.
Safety line 1.5 metre made of kernmantle rope with integrated shock-absorber Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Equipped with 2 large self-closing aluminum hooks and 1 auto-lock aluminum hook. Easy to visually inspect due to the contrasting color stitching. Maximum user weight incl. tools: 140kg.
Lanyard, 2 metre length, 43mm width consisting of elastic strap with integratedshock absorber. Non-stretched length of the Lanyard is 1.2 metres, which enables better manipulation of the Lanyard. Fitted with 1 standard carabiner and 1 scaffholding carabiner. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness.
Double safety line of 2m with large hooks (50mm) for welders. Protection of damper against heat and combustion, up to 371°C. Straps reinforced with Nomex/Kevlar which provides protection against combustion.
Double safety line of 1,5m with large hooks (50mm) for welders. Protection of damper against heat and combustion, up to 371°C. Straps reinforced with Nomex/Kevlar which provides protection against combustion.
Kernmantel restraint lanyard 1.5m with a twist lock karbiner and a steel GO55 Scaffold hook. Only suitable for positioning.
Lanyard, 2 metre length, consisting of elastic strap with integrated shock absorber. Fitted with two standard carabiners. Max. user weight: 140kg.
Equipped with 2 large self-closing aluminum hooks (23kN) and 1 standard aluminum hook (25kN). Easy to visually inspect due to the contrasting color stitching. Maximum user weight incl. tools: 140kg.
Safety line, 2 metres comprising belt with integrated shock-absorber. With 2 standard carabiner hooks. Hooks tested in such a way that the safety line may be positioned around a structure if the hook opening is insufficiently large. A combination of anchor loop and safety line is thus created. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness. With smaller, robust EZ shock absorber that provides shorter braking distance.
Double safety line, 2 metres comprising belt with integrated shock-absorber. With 2 standard carabiner hooks. Hooks tested in such a way that the safety line may be positioned around a structure if the hook opening is insufficiently large. A combination of anchor loop and safety line is thus created. Serves as connection between anchor point and harness. With smaller, robust EZ shock absorber that provides shorter braking distance.