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How do you choose the most suitable fall arrest harness for working at height or at depth?

Posted on 17.12.2024.

Close-up of a trap harness D-ring

A fall arrest harness is an essential part of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that helps you work safely at height or at depth.

In this article we discuss how to select the most suitable fall arrest harness, taking into consideration the work environment, the nature of the work and the risk of falling, as well as comfort and functionality.


Explore our fall arrest harnesses


1. Type of harness

There are three different types of fall arrest harnesses, each type being designed for specific applications:

  1. A standard safety harness: This harness only protects you from a fall, and has anchor points on the back and/or chest. These anchor points connect a lanyard or fall arrest block to an anchor point.
    1. Application: Fall protection.

DBI-SALA -standard fall arrest harness Protecta Flexa

  1. Work Positioning Harnesses: In addition to anchor points, this type has a positioning lanyard, fitted with two rings. These rings provide support and stability, so that both hands are free for work.
    1. Application: Hands-free positioning at height, with an adjustable positioning lanyard. The rings must not be used to secure a lanyard or fall arrest block.

DBI-SALA positioning harness Exofit XE50

  1. Sit Harness: In addition to the anchor points and positioning lanyard, this harness also has a D-ring at the navel. This is to safely descend while attached to a safety rope or winch.
    1. Application: To safely descend from a rope or winch while seated, in addition to fall protection and hands-free positioning.

DBI-SALA sit harness Exofit NEX


In a nutshell:

If all you need is fall protection, choose a standard safety harness.
If you also need hands-free positioning at height, a work positioning harness will be the most suitable harness.
For protection against falling, hands-free positioning and a safe descent from a rope or winch, choose a sit harness.


Explore our fall arrest harnesses


2. Standards and fall protection legislation

In Belgium, it is mandatory to take measures against fall risks from a height of 2 metres and above by, for example, using fall protection.
In the Netherlands, this requirement applies from 2.5 metres.
In France, a specific minimum height does not apply; whenever there is a potential fall risk, safety measures must be implemented.

Choose a harness that complies with the applicable regulations. Each harness is approved in accordance with EN 361. The relevant standard marking can be found on the harness.

What should happen to a fall arrest harness after a fall? It is important that the harness is not reused! After a fall, the harness must be decommissioned and destroyed to prevent further use.


3. Comfort

There are several systems that can increase the wearing comfort of your harness, including:

  • The type of leg lanyard or ergonomically designed leg loops which provide a better fit and distribute pressure evenly across the legs.
  • Extra padding in strategic areas such as shoulders, back and legs can reduce pressure points and make the harness more comfortable to wear for long periods of time.
  • The position of the D-ring can also affect comfort. A D-ring on the back evenly distributes forces in the event of a fall. A D-ring on the chest is more comfortable when sitting, but can place more force on the abdomen in the event of a fall. It therefore depends on the specific work and personal preferences.

These options make the harness more comfortable during extended use.

Close-up of a trap harness D-ring

Also available are suspension trauma straps which prevent or limit Harness Suspension Trauma. These straps can be attached to each other so that, after a fall, you can place your feet on the straps to reduce the harness’ tension on your groin. This prevents the blood supply from being cut off.


5. Risk of wearing a harness incorrectly

Wearing a fall arrest harness in the correct way is essential for the safety of the wearer. An incorrectly worn harness may not provide sufficient protection. This can occur when a harness is difficult to adjust, if there is a lack of engagement to wear the harness correctly, insufficient knowledge or training, and lack of time for training.

Of course, a quality training course or toolbox tailored to the employees’ requirements will help to explain the correct way to wear a harness. So always pay sufficient attention to this.


Classic fall arrest harness or a harness with a quick-release?

There are several systems which adjust a harness to your size. The result is always the same but, depending on the system, the ease of use and the speed at which you can adjust the harness varies.

These features make it easier to put on a harness and take it off quickly and easily.

A quick-release harness allows you to put on the fall arrest harness significantly faster. Quick-release fasteners secure the fall arrest harness with one click.

Harnesses from 3M are often fitted with a unique revolver system, which allows you to easily adjust and tighten the harness with a simple twist.

3M fall arrest harness with revolver system


Take a look at this demonstration video:


6. Risks: Chemical and/or flame retardant

It is important to consider the risks to which you are exposed.

During welding and grinding operations, sparks and splashes can damage conventional fall protection harnesses. Flame retardant harnesses made from heat resistant materials such as Nomex®, Kevlar® or modacrylic offer better protection against heat and flames. They are designed to act as a flame retardant, thereby preventing flames from spreading.

Welder at height wears flame-retardant drop harness from 3M

If you work with chemical fluids, wear additional protection, such as the DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 HP. This overall not only protects you but also protects your fall arrest harness from dangerous particles or light liquid aerosols. Specially designed for use in industrial environments and suitable for various applications such as painting, cleaning and maintenance.

DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 HP - front and reverse side


7. Available in different sizes: yes or no?

A fall arrest harness that is available in different sizes has the advantage that it will fit well, making it more comfortable. This not only increases wearing comfort, but also your safety.

On the other hand, having different sizes has its disadvantages. You will need multiple harnesses to meet the needs of different users, which creates more complex management.


8. Service life

It is important to know the service life of your equipment to ensure safety in the workplace. The following is an overview of the service life of the most common brands of fall harnesses:

  • Skalt: Ten years following commissioning, or 12 years following the date of manufacture, whichever comes first
  • Fallsafe: Eight years following commissioning, or 10 years following the date of manufacture, whichever comes first
  • Protecta / DBI-SALA: Ten years following the date of manufacture

It is crucial to visually inspect all PPE before use and have it approved annually by an authorised person. In Belgium it must be re-inspected by an EDTC (External Department for Technical Control in the workplace), and in the Netherlands by a person authorised by the manufacturer.


What to do after purchasing a fall arrest harness?

After purchasing the harness, it is important to go through a number of steps:

1. Commissioning for first use

Make a note of the date of first use so that the fall arrest harness can be inspected after 12 months.


2. Visual inspection before each use

It is important to perform a visual inspection every time it is worn. How to do that is shown in this instruction video.



Or read about it in this article: How do you inspect your fall protection harness?


3. Regular inspections and maintenance

In addition to carrying out your own inspections for wearing a fall arrest harness, you also need to maintain the harness regularly. A harness cannot be repaired: If any faults are found, the harness must be replaced. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the safety and functionality of your fall arrest harness.


More about: Type: Harnesses