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Less cut incidents at SCHÜTZ

Posted on 24.11.2022.

Testimonial SCHÜTZ

The management and distribution of protection equipment often prove a major challenge for companies. SCHÜTZ Benelux is no different in this respect.

SCHÜTZ Benelux’s SHEQ manager Toon Hartog expressed his concerns over the number of cut incidents at the company. That's because not everybody knows which PPE is best suited for which particular activity. Something which was exacerbated by the company’s dispersed stock management. As good as every department had its own store room.

(Un)manned distribution solution

To prevent people from picking the wrong protection equipment, the company decided on an (un)manned distribution solution that provides SCHÜTZ with the right PPM at the right time 24/7.

The distribution machines were configured in such a way that employees only get to take out products that are suited for the work station they work at. This has reduced the number of cut incidents.

Switching to a centrally managed stock system also got rid of all personal and department stocks. Which in turn enabled the PPE budget to be reduced.

Want to find out more?

Like SCHÜTZ, go for a care-free automated stock management and issue system for your employees. We also handle the replenishment, so your employees have the right equipment available to them in ready-to-use condition at all times.

See our distribution solutions. Book a demo and find out which automated distribution machine is best suited to your company’s needs.

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