Research shows that a number of serious and even fatal accidents involving forklift trucks continue to occur each year. Often, these accidents are the result of human error. A large number of these accidents can be prevented by timely warnings.
Improving health & safety through technology
Rombit has engineered a range of devices that foster greater alertness on the shop floor. The principle is straightforward: all sorts of parameters can be monitored and measured, which allows for a warning to be sent out in the event of impending danger. This allows employees to attend to their duties with greater peace of mind, whilst avoiding accidents.
Increasingly more complex working environment
Most companies already equip their staff and fit their buildings with all traditional protective equipment. Sadly, in quite a few cases this falls short. The reality is that production processes are becoming increasingly more complex. Staff are hard at work and need to keep focused, which makes it impossible for them to be mindful of all possible ambient factors at all times.
Connecting people and machines
Rombit connects the mobile assets with the people on the shop floor by way of a number of devices:
In response, Rombit has come up with a number of devices:
• the wearable
• the anchor
• the driver box
Three devices that are jam-packed with innovative technology and are interconnected in real time. Doing so allows risky situations to be instantly flagged up, allowing everyone involved to respond in timely fashion in order to stop accidents from occurring.
Combine technology with your in-house systems and enhance your existing processes with situational awareness. In addition to instantly flagging up risks and accident avoidance, you are also collecting a wealth of data, which can then be used to further optimise your processes.
Tailored offering
Rombit offers various products by way of a licence contract. These may be combined depending on the situation on your shop floor.
The solutions consist of one or multiple devices which each perform specific functions. These include:
- driver behaviour
- lone worker support
- collision avoidance
- geofencing
All of these solutions have been tailor-designed to bring a response to real-life situations which often constitute a hazard to people’s health and safety. The products can be used in multiple industries, including logistics, the maritime sector, government, utilities and more. PSA, Euroports, Schneider Electric and Besix are just some examples of companies that are already using Real Time Risk Management today to improve on-site health & safety.