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Are custom earplugs reimbursed by the employer?

Posted on 15.12.2021.

Custom made earplugs are popular protection devices to prevent hearing damage. It's logical because they are very comfortable and durable.

Unfortunately, they are a bit more expensive than earplugs. So, what about cost compensation? Does the employer pay for them? The right answer is a bit more complex than just a simple yes or no.


What are custom made earplugs?

Pluggerz Pro custom made earplugs

They are hard or soft earplugs that are custom-made for your ear canal. They are made based on an impression of your ear canal. It makes them very comfortable and easy to insert. They have a filter that ensures optimal sound dampening in a given work environment. The choice of filter depends on the noise measurement in the workplace. In addition, you choose additional options such as colour, metal detection (for example, in the food industry), Bluetooth or communication.


How much do custom earplugs cost?

On average, they cost between € 100 and € 150, including fitting and sealing. But as already mentioned, they are fully customised and last much longer than other types of hearing protection such as disposable earplugs or earmuffs. Therefore, in the long term, they are cheaper. This also makes them more durable than other PPE to protect hearing from noise.


Reimbursement of custom earplugs: who pays?

Custom earplugs are not cheap. That is why it is important to find out more about reimbursement. In most cases, the employer pays for them. However, that depends on a few things.

First of all, your company's health and safety manager must prepare a comprehensive risk analysis. In doing so, he must consider frequencies, peak noise and weekly averages. According to the prevention hierarchy, the employer first checks whether the problem can be tackled at the source. He can do this, for example, by using low-noise machines or by limiting people's exposure. If not, the noise level must be reduced by collective measures (silencers, insulation or enclosures). If the remaining noise level is still too high (i.e. more than 80 dB), personal protective equipment is required in the form of custom earplugs, disposable earplugs or earmuffs, which the employer must provide at his own expense.


Noise levels starting from 80 dB

After collective measures, are you still affected by loud noises of at least 80 decibels (dB)? In that case, your employer must provide proper hearing protection and offer training. In other words, above 80 decibels, the employer pays for the custom earplugs.


Noise levels starting from 85 dB

For loud noises above 85 decibels, the rules are stricter. Then there is also a wearing obligation. The employer must ensure that workers wear their hearing protection at all times.


Noise levels below 80 dB

If you still want to wear hearing protection in these conditions, you should consult your health and safety manager. This ensures that the safety equipment does not have a negative effect, such as no longer hearing important alarm signals or incompatibility with other PPE.


Correct fitting and maintenance is important

Custom made earplugs are very nice to wear. But of course, they have to be made-to-measure to a very high standard. Our experts come to you and make a hearing impression of all employees who need customised hearing protection.

Not everyone present? They will receive a voucher for having a print made at one of our partners. Moreover, we carry out an annual seal check to ensure that your earplugs are 100% sealed.

Make an appointment today