Interactive checklist: working safely with a chainsaw
Posted on 26.11.2021.

Work preparation
- Take a look around your work area and ensure it is a safe place to work
- Ask third parties to leave the work area
- Carry out a last-minute risk analysis
- Set out any signs you believe may be necessary (cones, barrier tapes, etc.)
- Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Make sure you have all the equipment you need easily to hand
- Use an appropriate chainsaw for the job you are doing
Preparing the chainsaw
- Use an environmentally friendly fuel
- Use environmentally friendly chain oil
- Do not refuel the chainsaw near an open flame or ignition source
- Check the safety features on your chainsaw (gas protection, safety chain, etc.)
Starting the chainsaw
- Start the chainsaw at least one metre from where you refuelled
- Place the chainsaw on a solid surface
- Don’t forget to engage the chain brake
- Check the on/off button and chain tension.
Working safely with the chainsaw
- Hold the chainsaw firmly with both hands
- Adopt a safe and stable posture
- Pay attention to your back posture
- Never cut above shoulder height
- Avoid cutting with the tip of the saw blade
- Check chain lubrication and chain tension regularly
Transporting the chainsaw
- Cover the saw blade with the appropriate cover
Do not fill the chainsaw’s fuel tank before transporting.