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The 4 biggest risks in the auto sector

Posted on 30.08.2024.

mechanic working on a car

The automotive sector is a challenging and dynamic environment. There are many risks that must be considered in order to work safely. In this blog article, we discuss the four most important risks and provide handy tips to prevent accidents.


1. Fall and trip hazards

Everyone leaves things lying around the workplace every now and then. Whether it’s tools, compressed air hoses or an oil leak - these can lead to hazardous situations very quickly.


Prevention tips

  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy
  • Wear safety shoes with an anti-perforation sole

! You can easily stumble over items left lying around but you could also step on something, such as a nail.

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Tip: choose sporty shoes so that your employees will enjoy wearing them.

  • Clean up oil spills and other fluids immediately using spill kits
  • Clean up the workplace after every task
  • Cover work pits and brake test banks when not in use


2. Machine safety

From grinding discs to hoisting bridges, in a garage you work with a range of machines that can be dangerous. They could cause injuries such as cuts and bruises.


Prevention tips

  • Make sure that all machines fulfil the safety regulations
  • Give your colleagues good training in the use of machines
  • Use the right personal protective equipment (PPE), including facial protection, audio protection and gloves
  • Conduct regular maintenance and inspections


3. Hazardous substances

In a garage, you often work with fuels, solvents and lacquers. These products can be flammable, toxic or irritating.


Prevention tips


4. Fire hazard

Flammable substances such as petrol and windscreen fluid are often present in a garage. Activities such as welding can also increase the risk of fire.


Prevention tips

  • Conduct a risk analysis
  • Make sure there are fire extinguishers at the right places and check them regularly
  • Draw up an intervention and evacuation plan and practise it
  • Avoid open flames and welding work near flammable substances
  • Use fire blankets to cover burning vehicles and prevent the spread of the fire


Top 6 prevention tips for a safe workplace

With these tips, you can prevent accidents and create a secure working environment:

  1. Keep your workplace clean and tidy
  2. Make sure machinery is protected
  3. Read and follow the instructions on the SDS
  4. Remove flammable materials from the work floor
  5. Offer adequate training and instructions to your staff
  6. Wear the right PPE


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